
EverVital Nutrition is here to help you fix your struggles with bloating, constipation, weight gain, brain fog, acne, or any other.

If I could get you to change ONE thing for your gut health, just one simple thing, it would be to add more polyphenols to your diet. You can get started this weekend with some red wine. Really, just hear me out…

We all know that certain foods, like berries or green tea, are super healthy for us. But why? What’s the deep dark secret behind their health benefits? 

It’s the polyphenols! 

Potential Benefits of Polyphenols

These important plant chemicals act as antioxidants that defend against oxidative stress and can play a key role in preventing a wide range of chronic diseases. Polyphenols also increase the production of antioxidants in our bodies. So, it’s a double whammy… they act as antioxidants AND increase antioxidant production.

Because they can help protect against oxidation and inflammation, a polyphenol-rich diet may lower the risk of a variety of degenerative and chronic diseases. 

Let’s dig into the most well-documented health benefits you’ll get from increasing the polyphenols in your diet.

Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

It’s common knowledge that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can support a healthy heart. Numerous studies have linked the higher polyphenol content in these foods to a variety of cardiovascular benefits. For instance, the polyphenols in pomegranate juice reduce oxidative stress and help keep platelets from clumping together. No one wants clumpy platelets.  They also inhibit low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation—a key factor involved in the development of atherosclerosis. PMID: 10799367

The flavonoids in cocoa have also been found to improve multiple cardiovascular risk factors. A review published in The Journal of Nutrition reported that cocoa consumption reduced systolic blood pressure (that’s your top BP number, diastolic is the bottom number) and LDL levels while increasing high-density lipoprotein, the “good” cholesterol. Another review found that people who ate a diet high in polyphenols had a markedly lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to those eating fewer polyphenol-rich foods.

Improved Gut Health

It’s clear that our digestion is positively impacted by polyphenols.  Studies suggest that polyphenols have superhero powers: acting like prebiotics, selectively supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria, stimulating gastrointestinal immunity, reducing inflammation, and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria via their antimicrobial activity. PMID: 31540270

Here’s the thing… whether you have chronic gut symptoms or just a few days here and there of weird 💩symptoms, everyone could benefit by feeding their beneficial gut bacteria. Every. Person. 

One of my favorite ways to increase the amount of polyphenols I get in my diet, besides to “supplement” with red wine and chocolate, is this product right here. Sign up to get my discount, automatically. You’re welcome. 😁

Increased Brain Function

Oxidative damage contributes to age-related neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. A polyphenol-rich diet may enhance brain function and protect against these age-related cognitive issues. Several studies have found that a variety of polyphenols—including resveratrol curcumin, and quercetin—can protect against toxins that affect the brain, reduce inflammation, and promote enhanced memory and cognition. And don’t we all want that, regardless of our age? 

Decreased Risk of Metabolic Disorders

One of the big indicators of longevity and overall health during your lifetime is your metabolic function. Giant blood sugar spikes or having a blood sugar that hangs out in an elevated state is associated with metabolic disfunction and often leads to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and more. 

Polyphenols have been shown to support healthy blood sugar levels and may help reduce the risk of metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes.  Researchers reported that polyphenols prevent the breakdown of dietary starches into simple sugars that can cause those blood sugar spikes we’re trying to avoid. 

Additionally, polyphenols may help protect pancreatic cells, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and inhibit the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), such as glycated hemoglobin… all these things can lead to metabolic disorders. A study that appeared in the British Journal of Nutrition also found that a diet higher in polyphenols was directly linked to a decreased rate of type 2 diabetes among a group of European adults.

Weight Loss, Easy Peasy

Y’all, get this…some polyphenols have been shown to affect pathways that are involved in energy metabolism, adiposity, and obesity.   There are limited human studies, so most studies have taken place in animals, but… these studies suggest that consumption of foods containing certain polyphenols or their corresponding supplements can change the way lipid and energy metabolism occurs and may facilitate weight loss and prevent weight gain.

Evidence indicates that consumption of green and white teas containing catechins, fruits such as blueberries with anthocyanins, foods such as red grapes and wine with resveratrol, and spices such as turmeric with curcumin may provide several health benefits, including improving blood glucose and lipid profiles, improve insulin resistance, adiposity and obesity. 

Currently, there is not enough data to support recommending long-term, safe usage of high-dose polyphenols for prevention and treatment of obesity.  However, eating foods that contain these polyphenols may help to prevent obesity and allow you to maintain an ideal body weight.  Contact us if you want additional info regarding safe polyphenol supplementation that can assist with all the benefits listed here.

Eat Your Polyphenols!

So now that you know the crazy number of benefits you can get from including polyphenols in your diet, I’m sure you’re dying to know what foods contain these magic bullets, right?! 

Well, here are the biggies:

  • Almonds
  • Apples
  • Purple or red fruit, especially blueberries, pomegranates, and cranberries
  • Black and green olives, and EVOO
  • Coffee
  • Dark chocolate, the studies have been on 85% dark, so I’d go with that
  • Flaxseed meal
  • Soybeans and soy products
  • Spinach
  • Sweet cherries
  • Red wine, yup, that’s right
  • Tea, black, green, and white

Trust EverVital Nutrition to Get Your Gut Health Back on Track

Gut health is a complex issue, and so are the solutions. What’s more, although there are best practices, the solutions must be individualized for each person.  What works for your BFF likely will not work for you.  Need help figuring all this shit out? We can help you create a personalized plan to improve your gut health RIGHT NOW and provide the support you need to realize all the benefits that polyphenols and a healthy gut can bring.  STOP struggling with all the frustrating GI symptoms and reach out today, we’d be happy to help!

EverVital Nutrition helps people discover the imbalances affecting their gut and teaches them how to transform their health with a customized plan and unmatched support. A range of tools, including GI-MAP gut health testing and food intolerance testing, pinpoint imbalances to target exactly what needs to be addressed.

Need help putting together a gut-healthy diet plan? We can help you create a personalized routine to target your exact gut health issues and get you back on the road to feeling spectacular every damn day. Contact EverVital Nutrition today!

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